= Getting started guide = This guide helps a beginner to get ADEI setup on their computer. ---- = Setup = 1. Make sure you know where is your apache2 localhost path. On Ubuntu, it's usually at /var/www, if not, you can try to find out where is your DocumentRoot (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=878665). 2. After you know where is your DocumentRoot, clone ADEI following the instruction on this page (http://adei.info/adei/wiki/adeiRCS). 3. Launch http://localhost/adei/ on your webbrowser and you will see [[Image(http://i947.photobucket.com/albums/ad311/nicolaisi/adei_default.png)]]. This basic layout is the default layout of ADEI (most basic with almost non-styling). At this point, nothing is working. ADEI requires data in database to be functional. For this purpose, we will setup a test data to launch ADEI. 4. You'll need to tell ADEI which setup to load, in this tutorial, we will load our test data called autogen. Create a "config.actual.php" with the following content: {{{ "localhost", "port" => 0, "database" => "adei", "user" => "adei", "password" => "adei" ); ?> }}} Notice that $ADEI_SETUP is pointing to autogen. This can be found at /setup under autogen folder. Here I have also created a mysql user called adei with password adei. If you're unfamiliar how to do this, please check this (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-a-new-user-and-grant-permissions-in-mysql) 5. After this go to /system and run: {{{ php cache.php }}} This script will load the mock data into our mysql database. 6. Now when you refresh the page you will see this: [[Image(http://i947.photobucket.com/albums/ad311/nicolaisi/adei_autogen.png)]]